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GCP Assets Inventory

In this example you are going to export some generic information about a GCP organization and all of its assets, to Port.

Here is the complete file:

Complete Terraform definition file
terraform {
required_providers {
port = {
source = "port-labs/port-labs"
version = "~> 1"
google-beta = {
source = "hashicorp/google-beta"
version = ">= 3.53, < 5.0"

locals {
domain = "GCP_ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN_NAME" # set the organization's domain

provider "port" {
client_id = "PORT_CLIENT_ID" # or set the env var PORT_CLIENT_ID
secret = "PORT_CLIENT_SECRET" # or set the env var PORT_CLIENT_SECRET

provider "google-beta" {

data "google_organization" "my_org" {
provider = google-beta
domain = local.domain

data "google_cloud_asset_resources_search_all" "my_folder_assets" {
provider = google-beta
scope = "organizations/${data.google_organization.my_org.org_id}"
asset_types = [

data "google_folder" "my_folders" {
for_each = {for idx, result in data.google_cloud_asset_resources_search_all.my_folder_assets.results : idx => result}
folder = "folders/${reverse(split("/",[0]}"

data "google_projects" "my_projects" {
provider = google-beta
filter = "*"

data "google_cloud_asset_resources_search_all" "my_assets" {
for_each = {for idx, result in data.google_projects.my_projects.projects: idx => result}
provider = google-beta
scope = "projects/${each.value.project_id}"

resource "port_blueprint" "gcp_org_blueprint" {
title = "Organization"
icon = "GCP"
identifier = "gcpOrganization"
properties = {
string_props = {
"link" = {
type = "string"
format = "url"
title = "Link"
"createTime" = {
type = "string"
format = "date-time"
title = "Create Time"

resource "port_entity" "gcp_org_entity" {
identifier = data.google_organization.my_org.org_id
title = data.google_organization.my_org.domain
blueprint = port_blueprint.gcp_org_blueprint.identifier
properties = {
string_props = {
"link" = "${data.google_organization.my_org.org_id}"
"createTime" = data.google_organization.my_org.create_time

resource "port_blueprint" "gcp_folder_blueprint" {
title = "Folder"
icon = "GCP"
identifier = "gcpFolder"
properties = {
string_props = {
"link" = {
type = "string"
format = "url"
title = "Link"
"createTime" = {
type = "string"
format = "date-time"
title = "Create Time"
relations = {
"organization" = {
title = "Organization"
target = port_blueprint.gcp_org_blueprint.identifier
required = false

resource "port_entity" "gcp_folder_entity" {
for_each = { for idx, folder in data.google_folder.my_folders : idx => folder }
identifier = each.value.folder_id
title = each.value.display_name
blueprint = port_blueprint.gcp_folder_blueprint.identifier
properties = {
string_props = {
"link" = "${each.value.folder_id}"
"createTime" = each.value.create_time
relations = {
single_relations = {
"organization" = data.google_organization.my_org.org_id

resource "port_blueprint" "gcp_project_blueprint" {
title = "Project"
icon = "GCP"
identifier = "gcpProject"
properties = {
string_props = {
"link" = {
format = "url"
title = "Link"
"createTime" = {
format = "date-time"
title = "Create Time"
"number" = {
title = "Number"
object_props = {
"labels" = {
title = "Labels"
relations = {
"organization" = {
target = port_blueprint.gcp_org_blueprint.identifier
title = "Organization"
required = false
many = false
"folder" = {
target = port_blueprint.gcp_folder_blueprint.identifier
title = "Folder"
required = false
many = false

resource "port_entity" "gcp_project_entity" {
for_each = { for idx, project in data.google_projects.my_projects.projects : idx => project }
identifier = each.value.project_id
title =
blueprint = port_blueprint.gcp_project_blueprint.identifier
properties = {
string_props = {
"link" = "${each.value.project_id}"
"createTime" = each.value.create_time
"number" = each.value.number
object_props = {
"labels" = jsonencode(each.value.labels)
relations = {
single_relations = {
"organization" = each.value.parent.type == "organization" ? : ""
"folder" = each.value.parent.type == "folder" ? : ""
depends_on = [port_entity.gcp_org_entity, port_entity.gcp_folder_entity]

resource "port_blueprint" "gcp_asset_blueprint" {
title = "GCP Asset"
icon = "GCP"
identifier = "gcpAsset"
properties = {
string_props = {
"name" = {
title = "name"
"assetType" = {
title = "Asset Type"
"dscription" = {
title = "Description"
"location" = {
title = "Location"
array_props = {
string_props = {
"networkTags" = {
title = "Network Tags"
"additionalAttributes" = {
title = "Additional Attributes"
object_props = {
"labels" = {
title = "Labels"
relations = {
"project" = {
target = port_blueprint.gcp_project_blueprint.identifier
title = "Project"
required = false
many = false

resource "port_entity" "gcp_asset_entity" {
for_each = { for idx, result in flatten(values({ for idx, project_assets in data.google_cloud_asset_resources_search_all.my_assets : idx => [for result in project_assets.results : merge(result, { project_id : })] })) : idx => result }
title = each.value.display_name == "" ? reverse(split("/",[0] : each.value.display_name
blueprint = port_blueprint.gcp_asset_blueprint.identifier
properties = {
string_props = {
"name" =
"assetType" = each.value.asset_type
"description" = each.value.description
"location" = each.value.location
array_props = {
string_items = {
"networkTags" = [for item in each.value.network_tags : item]
"additionalAttributes" = [for item in each.value.additional_attributes : item]
object_props = {
"labels" = jsonencode(each.value.labels)
relations = {
single_relations = {
"project" = reverse(split("/", each.value.project_id))[0]

depends_on = [port_entity.gcp_project_entity]

To use this example yourself, simply replace the placeholders for domain, client_id, secret and credentials and then run the following commands to setup your new backend, create the new infrastructure and update the software catalog:

# install modules and create an initial state
terraform init
# To view Terraform's planned changes based on your .tf definition file:
terraform plan
# To apply the changes and update the catalog
terraform apply
GCP permissions

To be able to read the organization, folders, projects and assets in this example, you need to use an organization's GCP IAM role with at least the following permissions:


Let's break down the definition file and understand the different parts:

Module imports​

This part includes importing and setting up the required Terraform providers and modules:

terraform {
required_providers {
port = {
source = "port-labs/port-labs"
version = "~> 1.0.0"
google-beta = {
source = "hashicorp/google-beta"
version = ">= 3.53, < 5.0"

locals {
domain = "GCP_ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN_NAME" # set the organization's domain

provider "port" {
client_id = "PORT_CLIENT_ID" # or set the env var PORT_CLIENT_ID
secret = "PORT_CLIENT_SECRET" # or set the env var PORT_CLIENT_SECRET

provider "google-beta" {

Extracting the organization, folders, projects and assets​

This part includes defining the datasource for the organization, folders, projects and assets:

data "google_organization" "my_org" {
provider = google-beta
domain = local.domain

data "google_cloud_asset_resources_search_all" "my_folder_assets" {
provider = google-beta
scope = "organizations/${data.google_organization.my_org.org_id}"
asset_types = [

data "google_folder" "my_folders" {
for_each = {for idx, result in data.google_cloud_asset_resources_search_all.my_folder_assets.results : idx => result}
folder = "folders/${reverse(split("/",[0]}"

data "google_projects" "my_projects" {
provider = google-beta
filter = "*"

data "google_cloud_asset_resources_search_all" "my_assets" {
for_each = {for idx, result in data.google_projects.my_projects.projects: idx => result}
provider = google-beta
scope = "projects/${each.value.project_id}"

Creating the Organization blueprint and the entity matching the organization​

This part includes configuring the organization blueprint and creating an entity for the organization:

resource "port_blueprint" "gcp_org_blueprint" {
title = "Organization"
icon = "GCP"
identifier = "gcpOrganization"
properties = {
string_props = {
"link" = {
type = "string"
format = "url"
title = "Link"
"createTime" = {
type = "string"
format = "date-time"
title = "Create Time"

resource "port_entity" "gcp_org_entity" {
identifier = data.google_organization.my_org.org_id
title = data.google_organization.my_org.domain
blueprint = port_blueprint.gcp_org_blueprint.identifier
properties = {
string_props = {
"link" = "${data.google_organization.my_org.org_id}"
"createTime" = data.google_organization.my_org.create_time

Creating the Folder blueprint and the entities matching the folders​

This part includes configuring the folder blueprint and creating an entities for the folders:

resource "port_blueprint" "gcp_folder_blueprint" {
title = "Folder"
icon = "GCP"
identifier = "gcpFolder"
properties = {
string_props = {
"name" = {
format = "url"
title = "Link"
"createTime" = {
format = "date-time"
title = "Create Time"
relations = {
"organization" = {
title = "Organization"
target = port_blueprint.gcp_org_blueprint.identifier
required = false
many = false

resource "port_entity" "gcp_folder_entity" {
for_each = { for idx, folder in data.google_folder.my_folders : idx => folder }
identifier = each.value.folder_id
title = each.value.display_name
blueprint = port_blueprint.gcp_folder_blueprint.identifier
properties = {
string_props = {
"link" = "${each.value.folder_id}"
"createTime" = each.value.create_time
relations = {
single_relations = {
organization = data.google_organization.my_org.org_id

Creating the Project blueprint and the entities matching the projects​

This part includes configuring the project blueprint and creating an entities for the projects:

resource "port_blueprint" "gcp_project_blueprint" {
title = "Project"
icon = "GCP"
identifier = "gcpProject"
properties = {
string_props = {
"link" = {
format = "url"
title = "Link"
"createTime" = {
format = "date-time"
title = "Create Time"
"number" = {
title = "Number"
object_props = {
"labels" = {
title = "Labels"
relations = {
"organization" = {
title = "Organization"
target = port_blueprint.gcp_org_blueprint.identifier
many = false
required = false
"folder" = {
title = "Folder"
target = port_blueprint.gcp_folder_blueprint.identifier
many = false
required = false

resource "port_entity" "gcp_project_entity" {
for_each = { for idx, project in data.google_projects.my_projects.projects : idx => project }
identifier = each.value.project_id
title =
blueprint = port_blueprint.gcp_project_blueprint.identifier
properties = {
string_props = {
"link" = "${each.value.project_id}"
"number" = each.value.number
"createTime" = each.value.create_time
object_props = {
"labels" = jsonencode(each.value.labels)
relations = {
single_relations = {
"organization" = each.value.parent.type == "organization" ? : ""
"folder" = each.value.parent.type == "folder" ? : ""
depends_on = [port_entity.gcp_org_entity, port_entity.gcp_folder_entity]

Creating the GCP Assets blueprint and the entities matching the assets​

This part includes configuring the gcpAssets blueprint and creating the entities for the assets:

resource "port_blueprint" "gcp_asset_blueprint" {
title = "GCP Asset"
icon = "GCP"
identifier = "gcpAsset"
properties = {
string_props = {
"name" = {
title = "Name"
"assetType" = {
title = "Asset Type"
"description" = {
title = "Description"
"location" = {
title = "Location"
object_props = {
"labels" = {
title = "Labels"
array_props = {
string_items = {
"additionalAttributes" = {
title = "Additional Attributes"
"networkTags" = {
title = "Network Tags"
relations = {
"project" = {
title = "Project"
target = port_blueprint.gcp_project_blueprint.identifier
many = false
required = false

resource "port_entity" "gcp_asset_entity" {
for_each = { for idx, result in flatten(values({ for idx, project_assets in data.google_cloud_asset_resources_search_all.my_assets : idx => [for result in project_assets.results : merge(result, { project_id : })] })) : idx => result }
title = each.value.display_name == "" ? reverse(split("/",[0] : each.value.display_name
blueprint = port_blueprint.gcp_asset_blueprint.identifier
properties = {
string_props = {
"name" =
"description" = each.value.description
"assetType" = each.value.asset_type
"location" = each.value.location
array_props = {
string_items = {
"additional_attributes" = each.value.additional_attributes
"networkTags" = each.value.network_tags
object_props = {
"labels" = jsonencode(each.value.labels)
relations = {
single_relations = {
"project" = reverse(split("/", each.value.project_id))[0]
depends_on = [port_entity.gcp_project_entity]


After running terraform apply you will see the organization, folders, projects, and gcpAssets entities in Port.