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Ingest dependencies from a package.json file and relate them to service

This guide will demonstrate how to ingest dependencies from a package.json file and relate them to the corresponding service entities in Port.


Add the Dependency blueprint if it doesn't exist:

  1. Go to the Builder in your Port portal.
  2. Click on "+ Blueprint".
  3. Click on the {...} button in the top right corner, and choose "Edit JSON"
  4. Add this JSON schema:
Dependency blueprint (Click to expand)
"identifier": "dependency",
"title": "Dependency",
"icon": "Package",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"package_name": {
"icon": "DefaultProperty",
"type": "string",
"title": "Package name"
"semver_requirement": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Semver requirement"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Type",
"enum": [
"url": {
"type": "string",
"title": "URL",
"format": "url"
"required": [

How to ingest dependencies from a package.json fileโ€‹

To ingest dependencies listed in package.json files, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the data sources page in your Port portal, and select your GitHub integration.
  2. Modify the mapping to include the file kind with the configuration provided below:
Port Configuration (Click to expand)

- kind: file
query: 'true'
- path: '**/package.json'
itemsToParse: .file.content.dependencies | to_entries
identifier: >-
.item.key + "_" + (.item.value | gsub("\\^"; "caret_") |
gsub("~"; "tilde_") | gsub(">="; "gte_") | gsub("<="; "lte_") |
gsub(">"; "gt_") | gsub("<"; "lt_") | gsub("@"; "at_") |
gsub("\\*"; "star") | gsub(" "; "_"))
title: .item.key + "@" + .item.value
blueprint: '"dependency"'
package_name: .item.key
semver_requirement: .item.value
Configuration Details
  • kind: file specifies that the source is a file, in this case, package.json.
  • files: defines the path pattern to locate package.json files within your repositories.
  • itemsToParse: identifies the specific array within the package.json (i.e., dependencies) that you want to parse into individual dependency entities.
  • identifier: constructs a unique identifier for each dependency, accounting for special characters in the version string.
  • properties: captures essential details like the package name and version.

How to Relate the Dependencies to the Serviceโ€‹

Once the dependencies have been ingested, the next step is to establish relationships between these dependency entities and the corresponding service entities.

  1. Go to the Builder in your Port portal, select the Service blueprint, and click on New relation to create a relation between the service and dependency blueprints.

  2. Add this JSON to establish the relationship:

    "dependencies": {
    "title": "Dependencies",
    "target": "dependency",
    "required": false,
    "many": true
  3. Head back to the data sources page and add the mapping below:

Relation Mapping (Click to expand)

- kind: file
query: 'true'
- path: '**/package.json'
blueprint: '"service"'
properties: {}
dependencies: >-
[.file.content.dependencies | to_entries | map( .key + "_" +
(.value |
gsub("\\^"; "caret_") |
gsub("~"; "tilde_") |
gsub(">="; "gte_") |
gsub("<="; "lte_") |
gsub(">"; "gt_") |
gsub("<"; "lt_") |
gsub("@"; "at_") |
gsub("\\*"; "star") |
gsub(" "; "_")
) ) | .[]]
Mapping Details

This would establish a relation between the service and dependency entities based on the dependencies listed in the package.json file.


By following these steps, you can effectively ingest dependencies from package.json files and relate them to the corresponding service entities in Port ๐ŸŽ‰.

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