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Nudge Pull Request Reviewers

In the following guide, we are going to create a self-service action in Port that uses Send Slack message backend to nudge PR reviewers with a kind message.

  • Faster Merges: Remind reviewers of open PRs to reduce delays.
  • Better Code: Encourage timely reviews for quicker feedback.
  • Smoother Workflow: Prevent bottlenecks that hinder development progress.


  1. Install Port's GitHub app by clicking here.
  2. Set up a slack app:
    • Go to your slack apps page.
    • Create a new app or use an existing one.
    • Enable Incoming Webhooks and create a new webhook.
    • Choose the target Slack channel for notifications.
    • Copy the generated webhook URL for use as the SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL.

Port configuration

  1. To create the Port action, go to the self-service page:
    • Click on the + New Action button.
    • Click on the {...} Edit JSON button.
    • Copy and paste the following JSON configuration into the editor.
    • Click Save
Port Action: Nudge Pull Request Reviewers
  • <SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL> - The webhook URL obtained from slack
"identifier": "nudge_reviewers",
"title": "Nudge Reviewers",
"icon": "Slack",
"description": "Remind reviewers about PR",
"trigger": {
"type": "self-service",
"operation": "DAY-2",
"userInputs": {
"properties": {},
"required": []
"blueprintIdentifier": "githubPullRequest"
"invocationMethod": {
"type": "SLACK",
"agent": false,
"synchronized": true,
"method": "POST",
"headers": {},
"body": {
"text": "\n*Reminder: Pending Pull Request Review*\nThis PR needs your attention!\n\n*PR:* <{{ }}|{{ .entity.title }}>\n*Reviewers:* {{ }}\nReview PR: {{ }}"
"requiredApproval": false,
"publish": true

Let's test it!

Trigger the action from the self-service page of your Port application.

Done! 🎉 You can now send a reminder to PR reviewers.