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Ownership scorecard

The following example demonstrates an ownership scorecard.

It has one filter defined:

  • Only evaluate entities that are related to production (indicated by checking that the is_production property is set to true).

It has two rules:

  • Check that a defined on-call exists and that the number of open_incidents is lower than 5;
  • Check if a team exists.
"title": "Ownership",
"identifier": "ownership",
"filter": {
"combinator": "and",
"conditions": [
"property": "is_production",
"operator": "=",
"value": true
"rules": [
"title": "Has on call?",
"identifier": "has_on_call",
"level": "Gold",
"query": {
"combinator": "and",
"conditions": [
"operator": "isNotEmpty",
"property": "on_call"
"operator": "<",
"property": "open_incidents",
"value": 5
"title": "Has a team?",
"identifier": "has_team",
"level": "Silver",
"query": {
"combinator": "and",
"conditions": [
"operator": "isNotEmpty",
"property": "$team"

Ensure relation existence

Say we have a Service blueprint that has a relation to another blueprint named Domain.
We can define a scorecard that checks that all of our services have a related domain. Services with empty domain relations will fail this check:

"title": "Domain definition",
"identifier": "domain_definition",
"rules": [
"identifier": "hasDomain",
"title": "Has domain",
"level": "Bronze",
"query": {
"combinator": "and",
"conditions": [
"operator": "isNotEmpty",
"relation": "domain"