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Azure Pipelines Self-Service Actions

Port can trigger Azure pipelines using incoming webhooks triggers.


The steps shown in the image above are as follows:

  1. An action is invoked in Port;

  2. Port signs the action payload using SHA-1 with the clientSecret value and puts it in the X-Port-Signature request header.


    Verifying the webhook request using the request headers provides the following benefits:

    • Ensures that the request payload has not been tampered with
    • Ensures that the sender of the message is Port
    • Ensures that the received message is not a replay of an older message
  3. Port publishes an invoked WEBHOOK via a POST request to{org_name}/_apis/public/distributedtask/webhooks/{webhook_name}?api-version=6.0-preview

An example flow would be:

  1. A developer asks to run an Azure pipeline;
  2. Port sends a POST request with the action payload to the Azure webhook URL;
  3. The Azure webhook receives the new action request;
  4. The Azure webhook triggers the pipeline;

Define Incoming Webhook in Azure​

To define an incoming webhook in Azure, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a Service connection of type Incoming WebHook;
  2. Put your Port clientSecret value in the Secret key field;
  3. Put the header X-Port-Signature in the Headers field;
  4. Enter the service connection name in the Service connection name field;
  5. Add the service connection resources in the Azure pipeline yaml:
    - webhook: { webhookName }
    connection: { Service connection name }
    The complete documentation showing how to configure Azure incoming webhooks can be found here.

Define Azure pipeline actions in Port​

To define the Azure pipelines invocation method in Port, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the blueprint you want to configure an action on;
  2. Add the a new action as described in the actions page;
  3. In the invocationMethod key, add the following information:
"trigger": {
"invocationMethod": {
"type": "AZURE-DEVOPS",
"org": "<AZURE-DEVOPS-ORG>",
"payload": {
  • <AZURE-DEVOPS-ORG> - your Azure DevOps organization name, can be found in your Azure DevOps URL:{AZURE-DEVOPS-ORG};
  • <AZURE-DEVOPS-WEBHOOK-NAME> - the name you gave to the webhook resource in the Azure yaml pipeline file.


Refer to the Scaffold repositories example page for practical self-service actions using Azure pipelines.