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Check out Port for yourself 

Terraform-Managed Blueprint Example

This example includes a complete blueprint resource definition in Terraform, which includes:

Here is the example definition:

terraform {
required_providers {
port = {
source = "port-labs/port-labs"
version = "~> 2.0.3"

provider "port" {
client_id = "PORT_CLIENT_ID" # or set the env var PORT_CLIENT_ID
secret = "PORT_CLIENT_SECRET" # or set the env var PORT_CLIENT_SECRET
base_url = ""

resource "port_blueprint" "myBlueprint" {
depends_on = [
# ...blueprint properties
identifier = "test-docs"
icon = "Microservice"
title = "Test Docs"

properties = {
string_props = {
"myStringProp" = {
title = "My string"
required = false
"myUrlProp" = {
title = "My url"
required = false
format = "url"
"myEmailProp" = {
title = "My email"
required = false
format = "email"
"myUserProp" = {
title = "My user"
required = false
format = "user"
"myTeamProp" = {
title = "My team"
required = false
format = "team"
"myDatetimeProp" = {
title = "My datetime"
required = false
format = "date-time"
"myYAMLProp" = {
title = "My YAML"
required = false
format = "yaml"
"myTimerProp" = {
title = "My timer"
required = false
format = "timer"
number_props = {
"myNumberProp" = {
title = "My number"
required = false
boolean_props = {
"myBooleanProp" = {
title = "My boolean"
required = false
object_props = {
"myObjectProp" = {
title = "My object"
required = false
array_props = {
"myArrayProp" = {
title = "My array"
required = false

mirror_properties = {
"myMirrorProp" = {
title = "My mirror property"
path = "myRelation.myStringProp"
"myMirrorPropWithMeta" = {
title = "My mirror property of meta property"
path = "myRelation.$identifier"

calculation_properties = {
"myCalculation" = {
title = "My calculation property"
calculation = ".properties.myStringProp + .properties.myStringProp"
type = "string"
# Calculation property making use of meta-properties
"myCalculationWithMeta" = {
title = "My calculation property with meta properties"
calculation = ".identifier + \"-\" + .title + \"-\" + .properties.myStringProp"
type = "string"

relations = {
"myRelation" = {
target = port_blueprint.other.identifier
title = "myRelation"
many = false
required = false

resource "port_blueprint" "other" {
# ...blueprint properties
identifier = "test-docs-relation"
icon = "Microservice"
title = "Test Docs Relation"

properties = {
string_props = {
"myStringProp" = {
title = "My string"
required = false
Selecting a Port API URL by account region

The baseUrl, port_region, port.baseUrl, portBaseUrl, port_base_url and OCEAN__PORT__BASE_URL parameters are used to select which instance or Port API will be used.

Port exposes two API instances, one for the EU region of Port, and one for the US region of Port.