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Search route query parameters​

The search route also supports several query parameters that affect the returned output:

ParameterDescriptionAvailable valuesDefault value
attach_title_to_relationtrue: Both the identifier and the title of the related Entity will appear under the Relation key

false: Only the identifier of the related Entity will appear under the Relation key
exclude_calculated_propertiesShould mirror properties and calculation properties be returned with the resulttrue/falsefalse

attach_title_to_relation example​

Here are examples outputs based on the value of the attach_title_to_relation parameter:

Here is a search response with attach_title_to_relation=true:

"ok": true,
"matchingBlueprints": [
"entities": [
"identifier": "e_vb9EPyW1zOamcbT1",
"title": "cart-deployment",
"blueprint": "deployment",
"team": ["Team BE"],
"properties": {
"version": "1.4",
"user": "yonatan",
"status": "failed",
"github-action-url": "",
"Region": "AWS"
"relations": {
"microservice": {
"identifier": "e_47MwTvQj03MpVyBx",
"title": "admin-test"
"createdAt": "2022-07-27T17:11:04.344Z",
"createdBy": "auth0|6278b02000955c006f9132d3",
"updatedAt": "2022-07-27T17:11:04.344Z",
"updatedBy": "auth0|6278b02000955c006f9132d3"