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Comparison operators

This page details the available comparison operators when writing rules as part of the search route.

= (Equal)

The = operator checks exact matches of the specified value:

"operator": "=",
"property": "myProperty",
"value": "myExactValue"

This operator can also be used to check the value of boolean properties:

"operator": "=",
"property": "myBooleanProperty",
"value": true

!= (Not Equal)

The != operator checks exact matches of the specified value and returns all results that fail to satisfy the check:

"operator": "!=",
"property": "myProperty",
"value": "myExactValue"

This operator can also be used to check the value of boolean properties:

"operator": "!=",
"property": "myBooleanProperty",
"value": false

> (Greater Than)

The > operator checks values larger than the specified value:

"operator": ">",
"property": "myNumericProperty",
"value": 7

>= (Greater Than or Equal)

The >= operator checks values larger than or equal to the specified value:

"operator": ">=",
"property": "myNumericProperty",
"value": 7

< (Less Than)

The < operator checks values less than the specified value:

"operator": "<",
"property": "myNumericProperty",
"value": 7

<= (Less Than or Equal)

The <= operator checks values less than or equal to the specified value:

"operator": "<=",
"property": "myNumericProperty",
"value": 7


The isEmpty operator checks if the value of the specified property is null:

"operator": "isEmpty",
"property": "myProperty"


The isNotEmpty operator checks if the value of the specified property is not null:

"operator": "isNotEmpty",
"property": "myProperty"


The propertySchema filter can be used with any standard operator. It allows you to filter entities based on a properties matching a specific type (for example, find all string properties with a given value):

"propertySchema": {
"type": "string"
"operator": "=",
"value": "My value"
  • The propertySchema can be used with any Port property;
  • The propertySchema replaces the property filter when performing property schema search.


The between operator checks datetime values and returns entities whose relevant datetime property matches the given range:

"operator": "between",
"property": "$createdAt",
"value": {
"preset": "lastWeek"

Available Presets:

  • tomorrow
  • today
  • yesterday
  • lastWeek
  • last2Weeks
  • lastMonth
  • last3Months
  • last6Months
  • last12Months

The between operator also supports standard date ranges:

"combinator": "and",
"rules": [
"operator": "between",
"property": "$createdAt",
"value": {
"from": "2022-07-26T16:38:06.839Z",
"to": "2022-07-29T17:00:28.006Z"


The notBetween operator checks datetime values and returns entities whose relevant datetime property does not match the given range:

"operator": "notBetween",
"property": "$createdAt",
"value": {
"preset": "lastWeek"


The contains operator checks if the specified substring exists in the specified property:

"operator": "contains",
"property": "myStringProperty",
"value": "mySubString"


The contains operator checks if the specified value does not exists in the specified property:

"operator": "doesNotContains",
"property": "myStringProperty",
"value": "otherValue"


The containsAny operator checks if any of the specified strings exist in the target array:

"operator": "containsAny",
"property": "myArrayProperty",
"value": ["Value1", "Value2", ...]


The beginsWith operator checks if the specified property starts with the specified value**

"operator": "beginsWith",
"property": "myStringProperty",
"value": "myString"


The doesNotBeginsWith operator checks if the specified property does not start with the specified value

"operator": "doesNotBeginsWith",
"property": "myStringProperty",
"value": "otherValue"


The endsWith operator checks if the specified property ends with the specified value

"operator": "endsWith",
"property": "myStringProperty",
"value": "myString"


The doesNotEndsWith operator checks if the specified property does not end with the specified value

"operator": "doesNotEndsWith",
"property": "myStringProperty",
"value": "otherValue"


The in operator checks if a string property is equal to one or more specified string values:

"property": "myStringProperty",
"operator": "in",
"value": ["Value1", "Value2"]