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Check out Port for yourself 


Port's ArgoCD integration allows you to model ArgoCD resources in your software catalog and ingest data into them.


This integration allows you to:

  • Map and organize your desired ArgoCD resources and their metadata in Port (see supported resources below).
  • Watch for ArgoCD object changes (create/update/delete) in real-time, and automatically apply the changes to your software catalog.

Supported Resources

The resources that can be ingested from ArgoCD into Port are listed below. It is possible to reference any field that appears in the API responses linked below in the mapping configuration.


Generate an ArgoCD token

  1. Navigate to <serverURL>/settings/accounts/<user>. For example, if you access your ArgoCD at https://localhost:8080, you should navigate to https://localhost:8080/settings/accounts/<user>

  2. The user should have apiKey capabilities to allow generating authentication tokens for API access. If you don't have a user created yet, follow the guide on how to create a new ArgoCD user

  3. Newly created users may have limited scope to resources by default. For that reason, You will need to configure the RBAC policy for the new user by following this guide

  4. Ensure that the policy definition grants enough permission to read resources such as applications, clusters, projects, repositories etc.

  5. Under Tokens on your ArgoCD UI, Click Generate New to create a new token for the user or use the CLI:

    argocd account generate-token --account <username>
  6. Create an ArgoCD user with readonly permissions

    1. Create an argocd-user.yaml file with the below manifest to create a new user port-ocean-user
    Create user manifest (click to expand)
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: argocd-cm
    namespace: argocd
    labels: argocd-cm argocd
    # add an additional local user with apiKey and login capabilities
    # apiKey - allows generating API keys
    # login - allows to login using UI
    accounts.port-ocean-user: apiKey, login
    accounts.port-ocean-user.enabled: "true"
    1. Apply the manifest with kubectl to create the user:
    kubectl apply -f argocd-user.yaml
    1. Grant read only RBAC policy to the new user using the below manifest file (argocd-rbac-cm.yaml)
    RBAC policy to grant readonly role to the new user (click to expand)
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: argocd-rbac-cm
    namespace: argocd
    policy.default: role:readonly
    policy.csv: |
    p, role:read-only-role, applications, *, */*, allow
    p, role:read-only-role, clusters, get, *, allow
    p, role:read-only-role, repositories, get, *, allow
    p, role:read-only-role, projects, get, *, allow
    p, role:read-only-role, logs, get, *, allow

    g, port-ocean-user, role:read-only-role
    1. Apply the argocd-rbac-cm.yaml manifest with kubectl:
    kubectl apply -f argocd-rbac-cm.yaml
    1. Go to your ArgoCD UI to generate a new token for the user or use the CLI
    argocd account generate-token --account <username>


Choose one of the following installation methods:

Using this installation method means that the integration will be able to update Port in real time using webhooks.


To install the integration, you need a Kubernetes cluster that the integration's container chart will be deployed to.

Please make sure that you have kubectl and helm installed on your machine, and that your kubectl CLI is connected to the Kubernetes cluster where you plan to install the integration.


If you are having trouble installing this integration, please refer to these troubleshooting steps.

For details about the available parameters for the installation, see the table below.

To install the integration using Helm:

  1. Go to the Argocd data source page in your portal.

  2. Select the Real-time and always on method:

  3. A helm command will be displayed, with default values already filled out (e.g. your Port cliend ID, client secret, etc).
    Copy the command, replace the placeholders with your values, then run it in your terminal to install the integration.

Selecting a Port API URL by account region

The baseUrl, port_region, port.baseUrl, portBaseUrl, port_base_url and OCEAN__PORT__BASE_URL parameters are used to select which instance or Port API will be used.

Port exposes two API instances, one for the EU region of Port, and one for the US region of Port.

This table summarizes the available parameters for the installation. Note the parameters specific to this integration, they are last in the table.

port.clientIdYour port client id
port.clientSecretYour port client secret
port.baseUrlYour Port API URL - for EU, for US
initializePortResourcesDefault true, When set to true the integration will create default blueprints and the port App config Mapping
sendRawDataExamplesEnable sending raw data examples from the third party API to port for testing and managing the integration mapping. Default is true
integration.identifierChange the identifier to describe your integration
integration.typeThe integration type
integration.eventListener.typeThe event listener type
integration.secrets.tokenThe ArgoCD API token, docs can be found here
integration.config.serverUrlThe ArgoCD server url
integration.config.ignoreServerErrorWhether to ignore server errors when fetching data from ArgoCD. The default value is false meaning the integration will raise exceptions and fail the resync event
scheduledResyncIntervalThe number of minutes between each resync


Port integrations use a YAML mapping block to ingest data from the third-party api into Port.

The mapping makes use of the JQ JSON processor to select, modify, concatenate, transform and perform other operations on existing fields and values from the integration API.


Configure real-time updates

Currently, the ArgoCD REST API lacks support for programmatic webhook creation. To set up a webhook configuration in ArgoCD for sending notifications to the Ocean integration, follow these steps:

  1. Install ArgoCD notifications manifest;
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
  1. Install ArgoCD triggers and templates manifest;
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
  1. Use kubectl to connect to the Kubernetes cluster where your ArgoCD instance is deployed;
kubectl config use-context <your-cluster-context>
  1. Set the current namespace to your ArgoCD namespace, use the following command;
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<your-namespace>
  1. Create a YAML file (e.g. argocd-webhook-config.yaml) that configures the webhook notification service. The example below shows how to set up a webhook to send real-time events whenever ArgoCD applications are updated. The YAML file includes the following components:

    1. Notification service definition;
    2. Template for the webhook message body;
    3. Trigger definitions;
    4. Subscriptions to the notifications.

    Here's an example YAML. Make sure to replace <WEBHOOK_URL> with the actual URL of the ingress or service where the ocean integration will be deployed. By default, incoming webhook events are sent to /integration/webhook path in Ocean so do not replace the path parameter.

    webhook manifest file
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: argocd-notifications-cm
    trigger.on-sync-operation-change: |
    - description: Application syncing has updated
    - app-status-change
    when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Error', 'Failed', 'Succeeded', 'Running']
    trigger.on-deployed: |
    - description: Application is synced and healthy
    - app-status-change
    when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Succeeded'] and == 'Healthy'
    trigger.on-health-degraded: |
    - description: Application has degraded
    - app-status-change
    when: == 'Degraded'
    service.webhook.port-ocean: |
    url: <WEBHOOK_URL>
    - name: Content-Type
    value: application/json |
    method: POST
    path: /integration/webhook
    body: |
    "action": "upsert",
    "application_name": "{{}}"
    subscriptions: |
    - recipients:
    - port-ocean
    - on-deployed
    - on-health-degraded
    - on-sync-operation-change
  2. Use kubectl to apply the YAML file to your cluster. Run the following command, replacing <your-namespace> with your ArgoCD namespace and <path-to-yaml-file> with the actual path to your YAML file:

kubectl apply -n <your-namespace> -f <path-to-yaml-file>

This command deploys the webhook notification configuration to your ArgoCD notification configmap (argocd-notifications-cm), allowing Ocean to receive real-time events.


To view and test the integration's mapping against examples of the third-party API responses, use the jq playground in your data sources page. Find the integration in the list of data sources and click on it to open the playground.

Examples of blueprints and the relevant integration configurations can be found on the argocd examples page

Relevant Guides

For relevant guides and examples, see the guides section.

Alternative installation via webhook

While the Ocean integration described above is the recommended installation method, you may prefer to use a webhook to ingest data from ArgoCD. If so, use the following instructions:

Webhook installation (click to expand)

In this example you are going to create a webhook integration between ArgoCD and Port, which will ingest application entities and map them to your ArgoCD projects.

Port configuration

Create the following blueprint definition:

Project blueprint
"identifier": "argocdProject",
"description": "This blueprint represents an ArgoCD Project",
"title": "ArgoCD Project",
"icon": "Argo",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"description": {
"title": "Description",
"description": "Project description",
"type": "string",
"icon": "DefaultProperty"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {}
Application blueprint
"identifier": "argocdApplication",
"description": "This blueprint represents an ArgoCD Application",
"title": "ArgoCD Application",
"icon": "Argo",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"gitRepo": {
"type": "string",
"format": "url",
"icon": "Git",
"title": "Repository URL",
"description": "The URL of the Git repository containing the application source code"
"gitPath": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Path",
"description": "The path within the Git repository where the application manifests are located"
"destinationServer": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Destination Server",
"format": "url"
"namespace": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Namespace"
"syncStatus": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Sync Status",
"enum": ["Synced", "OutOfSync", "Unknown"],
"enumColors": {
"Synced": "green",
"OutOfSync": "red",
"Unknown": "lightGray"
"description": "The sync status of the application"
"healthStatus": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Health Status",
"enum": [
"enumColors": {
"Healthy": "green",
"Missing": "yellow",
"Suspended": "purple",
"Degraded": "red",
"Progressing": "blue",
"Unknown": "lightGray"
"description": "The health status of the application"
"createdAt": {
"title": "Created At",
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {
"project": {
"title": "Project",
"target": "argocdProject",
"required": false,
"many": false

Create the following webhook configuration using Port UI

Application webhook configuration
  1. Basic details tab - fill the following details:

    1. Title : ArgoCD Application Mapper;
    2. Identifier : argocd_application_mapper;
    3. Description : A webhook configuration to map ArgoCD applications to Port;
    4. Icon : Argo;
  2. Integration configuration tab - fill the following JQ mapping:

    "blueprint": "argocdApplication",
    "filter": "true",
    "entity": {
    "identifier": ".body.uid | tostring",
    "title": " | tostring",
    "properties": {
    "gitRepo": ".body.git_repo",
    "gitPath": ".body.git_path",
    "destinationServer": ".body.destination_server",
    "namespace": ".body.namespace",
    "syncStatus": ".body.sync_status",
    "healthStatus": ".body.health_status",
    "createdAt": ".body.created_at"
    "relations": {
    "project": ".body.project"
  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Create a webhook in ArgoCD

To set up a webhook configuration in ArgoCD for sending notifications to Port, follow these steps:


  1. You have access to a Kubernetes cluster where ArgoCD is deployed.
  2. You have kubectl installed and configured to access your cluster.


  1. Install ArgoCD notifications manifest;
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
  1. Install ArgoCD triggers and templates manifest;
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
  1. Use kubectl to connect to the Kubernetes cluster where your ArgoCD instance is deployed;
kubectl config use-context <your-cluster-context>
  1. Set the current namespace to your ArgoCD namespace, use the following command;
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<your-namespace>
  1. Create a YAML file (e.g. argocd-webhook-config.yaml) that configures the webhook notification service. The example below shows how to set up a webhook to send real-time events whenever ArgoCD applications are updated. The YAML file includes the following components:

    1. Notification service definition;
    2. Template for the webhook message body;
    3. Trigger definitions;
    4. Subscriptions to the notifications.

    Here's an example YAML. Make sure to replace <YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL> with the value of url key you received after creating the webhook configuration.

    webhook manifest file
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: argocd-notifications-cm
    trigger.on-sync-operation-change: |
    - description: Application syncing has updated
    - app-status-change
    when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Error', 'Failed', 'Succeeded', 'Running']
    trigger.on-deployed: |
    - description: Application is synced and healthy
    - app-status-change
    when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Succeeded'] and == 'Healthy'
    trigger.on-health-degraded: |
    - description: Application has degraded
    - app-status-change
    when: == 'Degraded'
    service.webhook.port-webhook: |
    - name: Content-Type
    value: application/json |
    method: POST
    body: |
    "uid": "{{.app.metadata.uid}}",
    "name": "{{}}",
    "namespace": "{{.app.metadata.namespace}}",
    "sync_status": "{{.app.status.sync.status}}",
    "health_status": "{{}}",
    "git_repo": "{{.app.spec.source.repoURL}}",
    "git_path": "{{.app.spec.source.path}}",
    "destination_server": "{{.app.spec.destination.server}}",
    "created_at": "{{.app.metadata.creationTimestamp}}",
    "project": "{{.app.spec.project}}"
    subscriptions: |
    - recipients:
    - port-webhook
    - on-deployed
    - on-health-degraded
    - on-sync-operation-change
  2. Use kubectl to apply the YAML file to your cluster. Run the following command, replacing <your-namespace> with your ArgoCD namespace and <path-to-yaml-file> with the actual path to your YAML file:

kubectl apply -n <your-namespace> -f <path-to-yaml-file>

This command deploys the webhook notification configuration to your ArgoCD notification configmap (argocd-notifications-cm), allowing Port to receive real-time events.

Done! any change that happens to your applications in ArgoCD will trigger a webhook event to the webhook URL provided by Port. Port will parse the events according to the mapping and update the catalog entities accordingly.

Argocd Events

In this example you are going to create a webhook integration between ArgoCD and Port, which will ingest all events entities and map them to your ArgoCD applications.

Port configuration

Create the following blueprint definition:

Events blueprint
"identifier": "argocdEvent",
"description": "This blueprint represents ArgoCD events",
"title": "ArgoCD Events",
"icon": "Argo",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"event": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Event Name"
"namespace": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Namespace"
"description": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Description"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {},
"aggregationProperties": {},
"relations": {
"application": {
"title": "Application",
"target": "argocdApplication",
"required": false,
"many": false

Create the following webhook configuration using Port UI

Application webhook configuration
  1. Basic details tab - fill the following details:

    1. Title : ArgoCD Event Mapper;
    2. Identifier : argocd_event_mapper;
    3. Description : A webhook configuration to map ArgoCD events to Port;
    4. Icon : Argo;
  2. Integration configuration tab - fill the following JQ mapping:

    "blueprint": "argocdEvent",
    "filter": "true",
    "entity": {
    "identifier": ".body.app_name + \"-\" + .body.event_name | tostring",
    "title": ".body.event_name | tostring",
    "properties": {
    "event": ".body.event_name",
    "namespace": ".body.namespace",
    "description": ".body.description"
    "relations": {
    "application": ".body.uid"
  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Create a webhook in ArgoCD

To set up a webhook configuration in ArgoCD for sending notifications to Port, follow these steps:


  1. You have access to a Kubernetes cluster where ArgoCD is deployed.
  2. You have kubectl installed and configured to access your cluster.


  1. Install ArgoCD notifications manifest;
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
  1. Install ArgoCD triggers and templates manifest;
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
  1. Use kubectl to connect to the Kubernetes cluster where your ArgoCD instance is deployed;
kubectl config use-context <your-cluster-context>
  1. Set the current namespace to your ArgoCD namespace, use the following command;
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<your-namespace>
  1. Create a YAML file (e.g. argocd-events-config.yaml) that configures the webhook notification service. The example below shows how to set up a webhook to send real-time events from ArgoCD. The YAML file includes the following components:

    1. Notification service definition;
    2. Template for the webhook message body;
    3. Trigger definitions;
    4. Subscriptions to the notifications.

    Here's an example YAML. Make sure to replace <YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL> with the value of url key you received after creating the webhook configuration.

    event manifest file
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: argocd-notifications-cm
    trigger.on-created: |
    - description: Application is created
    - app-created
    when: true
    trigger.on-sync-running: |
    - description: Application is being synced
    - app-sync-running
    when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Running']
    trigger.on-sync-succeeded: |
    - description: Application syncing has succeeded
    - app-sync-succeeded
    when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Succeeded']
    trigger.on-sync-failed: |
    - description: Application syncing has failed
    - app-sync-failed
    when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Error', 'Failed']
    trigger.on-sync-status-unknown: |
    - description: Application status is Unknown
    - app-sync-status-unknown
    when: app.status.sync.status == 'Unknown'
    trigger.on-deployed: |
    - description: Application is synced and healthy
    - app-deployed
    when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Succeeded'] and == 'Healthy'
    trigger.on-health-degraded: |
    - description: Application has degraded
    - app-health-degraded
    when: == 'Degraded'
    trigger.on-deleted: |
    - description: Application is deleted
    - app-deleted
    when: app.metadata.deletionTimestamp != nil
    service.webhook.port-webhook: |
    - name: Content-Type
    value: application/json |
    method: POST
    body: |
    "uid": "{{.app.metadata.uid}}",
    "event_name": "on-created",
    "app_name": "{{}}",
    "namespace": "{{.app.metadata.namespace}}",
    "description": "Application is created"
    } |
    method: POST
    body: |
    "uid": "{{.app.metadata.uid}}",
    "event_name": "on-sync-succeeded",
    "app_name": "{{}}",
    "namespace": "{{.app.metadata.namespace}}",
    "description": "Application syncing has succeeded"
    } |
    method: POST
    body: |
    "uid": "{{.app.metadata.uid}}",
    "event_name": "on-sync-running",
    "app_name": "{{}}",
    "namespace": "{{.app.metadata.namespace}}",
    "description": "Application is being synced"
    } |
    method: POST
    body: |
    "uid": "{{.app.metadata.uid}}",
    "event_name": "on-sync-failed",
    "app_name": "{{}}",
    "namespace": "{{.app.metadata.namespace}}",
    "description": "Application syncing has failed"
    } |
    method: POST
    body: |
    "uid": "{{.app.metadata.uid}}",
    "event_name": "on-health-degraded",
    "app_name": "{{}}",
    "namespace": "{{.app.metadata.namespace}}",
    "description": "Application has degraded"
    } |
    method: POST
    body: |
    "uid": "{{.app.metadata.uid}}",
    "event_name": "on-deployed",
    "app_name": "{{}}",
    "namespace": "{{.app.metadata.namespace}}",
    "description": "Application is synced healthy"
    } |
    method: POST
    body: |
    "uid": "{{.app.metadata.uid}}",
    "event_name": "on-sync-status-unknown",
    "app_name": "{{}}",
    "namespace": "{{.app.metadata.namespace}}",
    "description": "Application status is Unknown"
    } |
    method: POST
    body: |
    "uid": "{{.app.metadata.uid}}",
    "event_name": "on-deleted",
    "app_name": "{{}}",
    "namespace": "{{.app.metadata.namespace}}",
    "description": "Application deleted"
    subscriptions: |
    - recipients:
    - port-webhook
    - on-created
    - on-deployed
    - on-health-degraded
    - on-sync-failed
    - on-sync-status-unknown
    - on-sync-succeeded
    - on-sync-running
    - on-deleted
  2. Use kubectl to apply the YAML file to your cluster. Run the following command, replacing <your-namespace> with your ArgoCD namespace and <path-to-yaml-file> with the actual path to your YAML file:

kubectl apply -n <your-namespace> -f <path-to-yaml-file>

This command deploys the webhook notification configuration to your ArgoCD notification configmap (argocd-notifications-cm), allowing Port to receive real-time events.

Done! any change that happens to your applications in ArgoCD will trigger a webhook event to the webhook URL provided by Port. Port will parse the events according to the mapping and update the catalog entities accordingly.