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Octopus Deploy Integration

Port's Octopus Deploy integration allows you to import spaces, projects, releases, deployments, and machines from Octopus Deploy into Port based on your mappings and definitions.

Common Use Cases

  • Map spaces, projects, releases, deployments, and machines from Octopus Deploy to Port.
  • Monitor real-time changes (create/update/delete) in Octopus Deploy and automatically sync them with your entities in Port.


Choose one of the following installation methods:

Using this installation option means that the integration will be hosted by Port, with a customizable resync interval to ingest data into Port.

Beta feature

The Hosted by Port option is currently in beta, and is still undergoing final testing before its official release.

Should you encounter any bugs or functionality issues, please let us know so we can rectify them as soon as possible. Your help is greatly appreciated! ⭐

Live event support

Currently, live events are not supported for integrations hosted by Port. Resyncs will be performed periodically every 1 hour by default (can be configured differently after installation), or manually triggered by you via Port's UI.

Therefore, real-time events (including GitOps) will not be ingested into Port immediately. Support for live events is WIP and will be supported in the near future.


To install, follow the following steps:

  1. Go to the Data sources page of your portal.

  2. Click on the + Data source button in the top-right corner.

  3. Scroll to CICD section and click on the Octopus integration.

  4. Under Select your installation method, choose Hosted by Port.

  5. Configure the integration settings and application settings as you wish (see below for details).

Application settings

Every integration hosted by Port has the following customizable application settings, which are configurable after installation:

  • Resync interval: The frequency at which Port will ingest data from the integration. There are various options available, ranging from every 1 hour to once a day.

  • Send raw data examples: A boolean toggle (enabled by default). If enabled, raw data examples will be sent from the integration to Port. These examples are used when testing your mapping configuration, they allow you to run your jq expressions against real data and see the results.

Integration settings

Octopus has its own tool-specific settings, under the Integration settings section. Each of these settings has an ⓘ icon next to it, which you can hover over to see a description of the setting.

Server Url

Octopus integration settings require the server url to be added. For self-hosted Octopus, the Server Url will be the url of your Octopus server and for Octopus Cloud, the server url will look like

Url format
  • Add the scheme (http or https) in the server url.
  • Do not add a trailing / at the end of the server url.

Octopus Api Key

Octopus integration settings require sensitive piece of data which is the Octopus Api Key. For this setting, Port secrets will be used, ensuring that your sensitive data is encrypted and secure.

When changing such a setting, you will be prompted to choose an existing secret or create a new one:

Port source IP addresses

When using this installation method, Port will make outbound calls to your 3rd-party applications from static IP addresses. You may need to add these addresses to your allowlist, in order to allow Port to interact with the integrated service:

Generating Octopus API Key

To generate a Api Key for authenticating the Octopus Deploy API calls:

  1. Log into the Octopus Web Portal, click your profile image and select Profile.
  2. Click My API Keys.
  3. Click New API key, state the purpose of the API key, set the expiry and click Generate new.
  4. Copy the new API key to your clipboard and use as OCTOPUS_API_KEY.

Ingesting Octopus Objects

The Octopus integration uses a YAML configuration to define how data is loaded into the developer portal.

Below is an example snippet from the configuration that shows how to retrieve space data from Octopus:

createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: space
query: "true"
identifier: .Id
title: .Name
blueprint: '"octopusSpace"'
url: env.OCEAN__INTEGRATION__CONFIG__SERVER_URL + "/app#/" + .Id
description: .Description

The integration makes use of the JQ JSON processor to select, modify, concatenate, transform and perform other operations on existing fields and values from Octopus's API events.

Ingest data into Port

To ingest Octopus objects using the integration configuration, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the DevPortal Builder page.
  2. Select a blueprint you want to ingest using Octopus.
  3. Choose the Ingest Data option from the menu.
  4. Click the Octopus integration to open the edit page.
  5. Modify the configuration according to your needs.
  6. Click Resync.


Examples of blueprints and the relevant integration configurations:


Space blueprint
"identifier": "octopusSpace",
"title": "Octopus Space",
"icon": "Octopus",
"description": "A space in Octopus Deploy",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"url": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Space URL",
"format": "url",
"description": "The Link to the Space in Octopus Deploy"
"description": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Description",
"description": "The description of the space"
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {}
Integration configuration
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: space
query: "true"
identifier: .Id
title: .Name
blueprint: '"octopusSpace"'
url: env.OCEAN__INTEGRATION__CONFIG__SERVER_URL + "/app#/" + .Id
description: .Description


Project blueprint
"identifier": "octopusProject",
"title": "Octopus Project",
"icon": "Octopus",
"description": "An Octopus project",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"slug": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Slug",
"description": "The slug identifier of the project"
"url": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Project URL",
"format": "url",
"description": "The URL to access the project in Octopus Deploy"
"description": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Description",
"description": "The project description"
"isDisabled": {
"type": "boolean",
"title": "Is Disabled",
"description": "Indicates if the project is disabled"
"tenantedDeploymentMode": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Tenanted Deployment Mode",
"description": "The deployment mode regarding tenants"
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {}
Integration configuration
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: project
query: "true"
identifier: .Id
title: .Name
blueprint: '"octopusProject"'
url: env.OCEAN__INTEGRATION__CONFIG__SERVER_URL + "/app#/" + .SpaceId + "/projects/" + .Id
description: .Description
isDisabled: .IsDisabled
tenantedDeploymentMode: .TenantedDeploymentMode


Release blueprint
"identifier": "octopusRelease",
"title": "Octopus Release",
"icon": "Octopus",
"description": "A release in Octopus Deploy",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"version": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Version",
"description": "The version of the release"
"assembledDate": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Assembled Date",
"format": "date-time",
"description": "The datetime the release was assembled"
"channelId": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Channel ID",
"description": "The ID of the channel associated with the release"
"releaseNotes": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Release Notes",
"description": "Notes provided for the release"
"url": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Release URL",
"format": "url",
"description": "The URL to access the release in Octopus Deploy"
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {}
Integration configuration
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: release
query: "true"
identifier: .Id
title: ".ProjectId + \"(\" + .Version + \")\""
blueprint: '"octopusRelease"'
version: .Version
assembledDate: .Assembled
channelId: .ChannelId
releaseNotes: .ReleaseNotes
url: env.OCEAN__INTEGRATION__CONFIG__SERVER_URL + "/app#/" + .SpaceId + "/releases/" + .Id


Deployment blueprint
"identifier": "octopusDeployment",
"title": "Octopus Deployment",
"icon": "Octopus",
"description": "A deployment in Octopus Deploy",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"createdAt": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Created At",
"format": "date-time",
"description": "The datetime when the deployment was created"
"deployedBy": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Deployed By",
"description": "The user or system that performed the deployment"
"taskId": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Task ID",
"description": "The ID of the task associated with the deployment"
"failureEncountered": {
"type": "boolean",
"title": "Failure Encountered",
"description": "Indicates if any failure was encountered during the deployment"
"comments": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Comments",
"description": "Comments regarding the deployment"
"url": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Deployment URL",
"format": "url",
"description": "The URL to access the deployment in Octopus Deploy"
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {}
Integration configuration
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: deployment
query: "true"
identifier: .Id
title: .Name
blueprint: '"octopusDeployment"'
createdAt: .Created
deployedBy: .DeployedBy
taskId: .TaskId
failureEncountered: .FailureEncountered
comments: .Comments
url: env.OCEAN__INTEGRATION__CONFIG__SERVER_URL + "/app#/" + .SpaceId + "/deployments/" + .Id


Machine blueprint
"identifier": "octopusMachine",
"title": "Octopus Machine",
"icon": "Octopus",
"description": "A deployment target in Octopus Deploy",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"roles": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"title": "Roles",
"description": "Roles assigned to the target"
"status": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Status",
"description": "The health status of the target"
"url": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Machine URL",
"format": "url",
"description": "The URL of the target"
"isDisabled": {
"type": "boolean",
"title": "Is Disabled",
"description": "Indicates if the target is disabled"
"operatingSystem": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Operating System",
"description": "The operating system of the target"
"architecture": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Architecture",
"description": "The architecture of the target"
"statusSummary": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Status Summary",
"description": "Summary of the target's status"
"endpointType": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Endpoint Type",
"description": "The type of deployment target endpoint"
"communicationStyle": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Communication Style",
"description": "The communication style of the target"
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {}
Integration configuration
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: machine
query: "true"
identifier: .Id
title: .Name
blueprint: '"octopusMachine"'
roles: .Roles
status: .HealthStatus
url: env.OCEAN__INTEGRATION__CONFIG__SERVER_URL + "/app#/" + .SpaceId + "/infrastructure/machines/" + .Id + "/settings"
isDisabled: .IsDisabled
operatingSystem: .OperatingSystem
architecture: .Architecture
statusSummary: .StatusSummary
endpointType: .Endpoint.DeploymentTargetTypeId
communicationStyle: .Endpoint.CommunicationStyle

Let's Test It

This section includes a sample response data from Octopus. In addition, it includes the entity created from the resync event based on the Ocean configuration provided in the previous section.


Here is an example of the payload structure from Octopus:

Space response data
"Id": "Spaces-1",
"Name": "Default",
"Slug": "default",
"Description": "Description cannot be empty",
"IsDefault": true,
"IsPrivate": false,
"TaskQueueStopped": false,
"SpaceManagersTeams": [
"SpaceManagersTeamMembers": [],
"Icon": null,
"ExtensionSettings": [],
"LastModifiedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"Links": {
"Self": "/api/spaces/Spaces-1",
"SpaceHome": "/api/Spaces-1",
"Web": "/app#/spaces/Spaces-1",
"Logo": "/api/spaces/Spaces-1/logo?cb=2024.3.10989",
"Search": "/api/spaces/Spaces-1/search"
Project response data
"Id": "Projects-1",
"SpaceId": "Spaces-1",
"VariableSetId": "variableset-Projects-1",
"DeploymentProcessId": "deploymentprocess-Projects-1",
"ClonedFromProjectId": null,
"DiscreteChannelRelease": false,
"IncludedLibraryVariableSetIds": [],
"DefaultToSkipIfAlreadyInstalled": false,
"TenantedDeploymentMode": "Untenanted",
"DefaultGuidedFailureMode": "EnvironmentDefault",
"VersioningStrategy": {
"Template": null,
"DonorPackage": null
"ReleaseCreationStrategy": {
"ChannelId": null,
"ReleaseCreationPackage": null,
"ReleaseCreationPackageStepId": null
"Templates": [],
"AutoDeployReleaseOverrides": [],
"ReleaseNotesTemplate": null,
"DeploymentChangesTemplate": null,
"ForcePackageDownload": false,
"Icon": {
"Id": "map-signs",
"Color": "#5E2EA2"
"AllowIgnoreChannelRules": true,
"ExecuteDeploymentsOnResilientPipeline": null,
"ExtensionSettings": [],
"Name": "Sample Project",
"Slug": "sample-project",
"Description": "Explore how to automate your deployments with Octopus Deploy.\n\nEdit the custom script step, tweak the variables, and run your first deployment. Experiment and make it your own!",
"IsDisabled": false,
"ProjectGroupId": "ProjectGroups-2",
"LifecycleId": "Lifecycles-2",
"AutoCreateRelease": false,
"IsVersionControlled": false,
"PersistenceSettings": {
"Type": "Database"
"ProjectConnectivityPolicy": {
"SkipMachineBehavior": "None",
"TargetRoles": [],
"AllowDeploymentsToNoTargets": false,
"ExcludeUnhealthyTargets": false
"Links": {
"Self": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1",
"Variables": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/variables",
"Releases": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/releases{/version}{?skip,take,searchByVersion}",
"Channels": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/channels{/id}{?skip,take,partialName}",
"Triggers": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/triggers{?skip,take,partialName,triggerActionType,triggerActionCategory,runbooks}",
"ScheduledTriggers": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/triggers/scheduled{?skip,take,partialName,ids}",
"OrderChannels": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/channels/order",
"Progression": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/progression{?releaseHistoryCount}",
"RunbookTaskRunDashboardItemsTemplate": "/api/Spaces-1/progression/runbooks/taskRuns{?skip,take,ids,projectIds,runbookIds,environmentIds,tenantIds,taskIds}",
"DeploymentProcess": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/deploymentprocesses",
"DeploymentSettings": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/deploymentsettings",
"Web": "/app#/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1",
"Logo": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/logo?cb=map-signs-%235E2EA2-2024.3.10989",
"Metadata": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/metadata",
"Runbooks": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/runbooks{?skip,take,partialName}",
"RunbookSnapshots": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/runbookSnapshots{/name}{?skip,take,searchByName}",
"Summary": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/summary",
"GitConnectionTest": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/git/connectivity-test",
"InsightsMetrics": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/insights/metrics{?channelId,environmentId,tenantId,tenantFilter,timeRange,granularity,timeZone}",
"GitCompatibilityReport": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/git/compatibility-report",
"ConvertToGit": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/git/convert",
"ConvertToVcs": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1/git/convert"
Release response data
"Id": "Releases-44",
"SpaceId": "Spaces-1",
"ProjectId": "Projects-41",
"Version": "0.0.2",
"ChannelId": "Channels-41",
"ReleaseNotes": null,
"ProjectDeploymentProcessSnapshotId": "deploymentprocess-Projects-41-s-1-QXLY2",
"IgnoreChannelRules": false,
"BuildInformation": [],
"Assembled": "2024-08-21T16:17:46.750+00:00",
"LibraryVariableSetSnapshotIds": [],
"SelectedPackages": [],
"SelectedGitResources": [],
"ProjectVariableSetSnapshotId": "variableset-Projects-41-s-0-S6LJL",
"VersionControlReference": null,
"Links": {
"Self": "/api/Spaces-1/releases/Releases-44",
"Project": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-41",
"Channel": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-41/channels/Channels-41",
"Progression": "/api/Spaces-1/releases/Releases-44/progression",
"Deployments": "/api/Spaces-1/releases/Releases-44/deployments{?skip,take}",
"DeploymentTemplate": "/api/Spaces-1/releases/Releases-44/deployments/template",
"Artifacts": "/api/Spaces-1/artifacts?regarding=Releases-44",
"ProjectVariableSnapshot": "/api/Spaces-1/variables/variableset-Projects-41-s-0-S6LJL",
"ProjectDeploymentProcessSnapshot": "/api/Spaces-1/deploymentprocesses/deploymentprocess-Projects-41-s-1-QXLY2",
"Web": "/app#/Spaces-1/releases/Releases-44",
"SnapshotVariables": "/api/Spaces-1/releases/Releases-44/snapshot-variables",
"Defects": "/api/Spaces-1/releases/Releases-44/defects",
"ReportDefect": "/api/Spaces-1/releases/Releases-44/defects",
"ResolveDefect": "/api/Spaces-1/releases/Releases-44/defects/resolve",
"DeploymentPreviews": "/api/Spaces-1/releases/Releases-44/deployments/previews/",
"Variables": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-41/releases/Releases-44/variables"
Deployment response data
"Id": "Deployments-1",
"SpaceId": "Spaces-1",
"ReleaseId": "Releases-1",
"ChannelId": "Channels-2",
"DeploymentProcessId": "deploymentprocess-Projects-1-s-1-CGNSF",
"Changes": [],
"ChangesMarkdown": null,
"EnvironmentId": "Environments-1",
"TenantId": null,
"ForcePackageDownload": false,
"ForcePackageRedeployment": false,
"Priority": "LifecycleDefault",
"SkipActions": [],
"SpecificMachineIds": [],
"ExcludedMachineIds": [],
"ManifestVariableSetId": null,
"TaskId": "ServerTasks-11599",
"ProjectId": "Projects-1",
"UseGuidedFailure": false,
"Comments": null,
"FormValues": {},
"QueueTime": null,
"QueueTimeExpiry": null,
"Name": "Deploy to Development",
"Created": "2024-08-02T05:07:42.445+00:00",
"TentacleRetentionPeriod": null,
"ChangeRequestSettings": null,
"DeployedBy": "System",
"DeployedById": null,
"FailureEncountered": false,
"DeployedToMachineIds": [],
"ExecutionPlanLogContext": {
"Steps": []
"Links": {
"Self": "/api/Spaces-1/deployments/Deployments-1",
"Release": "/api/Spaces-1/releases/Releases-1",
"Environment": "/api/Spaces-1/environments/Environments-1",
"Project": "/api/Spaces-1/projects/Projects-1",
"Task": "/api/tasks/ServerTasks-11599",
"Web": "/app#/Spaces-1/deployments/Deployments-1",
"Artifacts": "/api/Spaces-1/artifacts?regarding=Deployments-1",
"Interruptions": "/api/Spaces-1/interruptions?regarding=Deployments-1",
"DeploymentProcess": "/api/Spaces-1/deploymentprocesses/deploymentprocess-Projects-1-s-1-CGNSF"
"Links": {
"Self": "/api/Spaces-1/deployments?skip=0&take=30",
"Template": "/api/Spaces-1/deployments{?skip,take,ids,projects,environments,tenants,channels,taskState,partialName}",
"Page.All": "/api/Spaces-1/deployments?skip=0&take=2147483647",
"Page.Current": "/api/Spaces-1/deployments?skip=0&take=30",
"Page.Last": "/api/Spaces-1/deployments?skip=0&take=30"
Machine response data
"Id": "Machines-4",
"EnvironmentIds": [
"Roles": [
"TenantedDeploymentParticipation": "Untenanted",
"TenantIds": [],
"TenantTags": [],
"SpaceId": "Spaces-1",
"Name": "ECS Instance Dev",
"Thumbprint": null,
"Uri": null,
"IsDisabled": false,
"MachinePolicyId": "MachinePolicies-1",
"HealthStatus": "Unhealthy",
"HasLatestCalamari": true,
"StatusSummary": "There was a problem communicating with this machine (last checked: Tuesday, 27 August 2024 5:39:57 PM +00:00)",
"IsInProcess": false,
"Endpoint": {
"CommunicationStyle": "StepPackage",
"DeploymentTargetTypeId": "aws-ecs-target",
"StepPackageId": "aws-ecs-target",
"StepPackageVersion": "3.0.1",
"LastSavedStepPackageVersion": "3.0.1",
"Inputs": {
"clusterName": " team-isaac",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"authentication": {
"credentials": {
"type": "account",
"account": "Accounts-1"
"role": {
"type": "noAssumedRole"
"DefaultWorkerPoolId": "",
"Id": null,
"LastModifiedOn": null,
"LastModifiedBy": null,
"Links": {
"Logo": "/api/steps/deploymenttargets/aws-ecs-target/3.0.1/logo"
"OperatingSystem": "Unknown",
"ShellName": "Unknown",
"ShellVersion": "Unknown",
"Architecture": "Unknown",
"Slug": "ecs-instance-dev",
"SkipInitialHealthCheck": false,
"Links": {
"Self": "/api/Spaces-1/machines/Machines-4",
"Connection": "/api/Spaces-1/machines/Machines-4/connection",
"TasksTemplate": "/api/Spaces-1/machines/Machines-4/tasks{?skip,take,type}",
"SinglyScopedVariableDetails": "/api/Spaces-1/machines/Machines-4/singlyScopedVariableDetails"

Mapping Result

The combination of the sample payload and the Ocean configuration generates the following Port entity:

Space entity
"identifier": "Spaces-1",
"title": "Default",
"icon": null,
"blueprint": "octopusSpace",
"team": [],
"properties": {
"url": "",
"description": null
"relations": {},
"createdAt": "2024-08-22T14:27:34.746Z",
"createdBy": "zhOWp1YybWfY12bAxNz3d1ByX18iA1yT",
"updatedAt": "2024-08-22T14:27:34.746Z",
"updatedBy": "zhOWp1YybWfY12bAxNz3d1ByX18iA1yT"
Project entity
"identifier": "Projects-1",
"title": "Sample Project",
"icon": null,
"blueprint": "octopusProject",
"team": [],
"properties": {
"slug": null,
"url": "",
"description": "Explore how to automate your deployments with Octopus Deploy.\n\nEdit the custom script step, tweak the variables, and run your first deployment. Experiment and make it your own!",
"isDisabled": false,
"tenantedDeploymentMode": "Untenanted"
"relations": {},
"createdAt": "2024-08-22T14:27:37.814Z",
"createdBy": "zhOWp1YybWfY12bAxNz3d1ByX18iA1yT",
"updatedAt": "2024-08-22T14:27:37.814Z",
"updatedBy": "zhOWp1YybWfY12bAxNz3d1ByX18iA1yT"
Release entity
"identifier": "Releases-44",
"title": "Projects-41(0.0.2)",
"icon": null,
"blueprint": "octopusRelease",
"team": [],
"properties": {
"version": "0.0.2",
"assembledDate": "2024-08-21T16:17:46.750+00:00",
"channelId": "Channels-41",
"releaseNotes": null,
"url": ""
"relations": {},
"createdAt": "2024-08-22T14:27:41.697Z",
"createdBy": "zhOWp1YybWfY12bAxNz3d1ByX18iA1yT",
"updatedAt": "2024-08-22T14:27:41.697Z",
"updatedBy": "zhOWp1YybWfY12bAxNz3d1ByX18iA1yT"
Deployment entity
"identifier": "Deployments-1",
"title": "Deploy to Development",
"icon": null,
"blueprint": "octopusDeployment",
"team": [],
"properties": {
"createdAt": "2024-08-02T05:07:42.445+00:00",
"deployedBy": "System",
"taskId": "ServerTasks-11599",
"failureEncountered": false,
"comments": null,
"url": ""
"relations": {},
"createdAt": "2024-08-22T14:27:45.276Z",
"createdBy": "zhOWp1YybWfY12bAxNz3d1ByX18iA1yT",
"updatedAt": "2024-08-22T14:27:45.276Z",
"updatedBy": "zhOWp1YybWfY12bAxNz3d1ByX18iA1yT"
Machine entity
"identifier": "Machines-4",
"title": "ECS Instance Dev",
"icon": null,
"blueprint": "octopusMachine",
"team": [],
"properties": {
"roles": [
"status": "Unhealthy",
"url": "",
"isDisabled": false,
"operatingSystem": "Unknown",
"architecture": "Unknown",
"statusSummary": "There was a problem communicating with this machine (last checked: Monday, 26 August 2024 5:40:16 PM +00:00)",
"endpointType": "aws-ecs-target",
"communicationStyle": "StepPackage"
"relations": {},
"createdAt": "2024-08-22T14:27:53.944Z",
"createdBy": "zhOWp1YybWfY12bAxNz3d1ByX18iA1yT",
"updatedAt": "2024-08-27T12:29:12.362Z",
"updatedBy": "zhOWp1YybWfY12bAxNz3d1ByX18iA1yT"