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Advanced configuration for Kubecost objects

This guide provides information for configuring how Kubecost objects are ingested into your Kubecost installation. The Kubecost integration uses a YAML configuration to describe the process of loading data into the developer portal.

Each kind has specific configuration for both the v1 and v2 of the Kubecost API

Available configuration for kubesystem kind (v1)

  • window - Duration of time over which to query. Accepts: words like today, week, month, yesterday, lastweek, lastmonth; durations like 30m, 12h, 7d; RFC3339 date pairs like 2021-01-02T15:04:05Z,2021-02-02T15:04:05Z; Unix timestamps like 1578002645,1580681045.
  • aggregate - Field by which to aggregate the results. Accepts: cluster, node, namespace, controllerKind, controller, service, pod, container, label:name, and annotation:name. Also accepts comma-separated lists for multi-aggregation, like namespace,label:app.
  • step - Duration of a single allocation set. If unspecified, this defaults to the window, so that you receive exactly one set for the entire window. If specified, such as 30m, 2h, 1d etc, it works chronologically backward, querying in durations of step until the full window is covered. Default is window.
  • accumulate - If true, sum the entire range of sets into a single set. Default value is false.
  • idle - If true, include idle cost (i.e. the cost of the un-allocated assets) as its own allocation. Default is true.
  • external - If true, include external, or out-of-cluster costs in each allocation. Default is false.
  • filterClusters - Comma-separated list of clusters to match; e.g. cluster-one,cluster-two will return results from only those two clusters.
  • filterNodes - Comma-separated list of nodes to match; e.g. node-one,node-two will return results from only those two nodes.
  • filterNamespaces - Comma-separated list of namespaces to match; e.g. namespace-one,namespace-two will return results from only those two namespaces.
  • filterControllerKinds - Comma-separated list of controller kinds to match; e.g. deployment, job will return results with only those two controller kinds.
  • filterControllers - Comma-separated list of controllers to match; e.g. deployment-one,statefulset-two will return results from only those two controllers.
  • filterPods - Comma-separated list of pods to match; e.g. pod-one,pod-two will return results from only those two pods.
  • filterAnnotations - Comma-separated list of annotations to match; e.g. name:annotation-one,name:annotation-two will return results with either of those two annotation key-value-pairs.
  • filterControllerKinds - Comma-separated list of controller kinds to match; e.g. deployment, job will return results with only those two controller kinds.
  • filterLabels - Comma-separated list of annotations to match; e.g. app:cost-analyzer, app:prometheus will return results with either of those two label key-value-pairs.
  • filterServices - Comma-separated list of services to match; e.g. frontend-one,frontend-two will return results with either of those two services.
  • shareIdle - If true, idle cost is allocated proportionally across all non-idle allocations, per-resource. That is, idle CPU cost is shared with each non-idle allocation's CPU cost, according to the percentage of the total CPU cost represented. Default is false.
  • splitIdle - If true, and shareIdle == false, Idle Allocations are created on a per cluster or per node basis rather than being aggregated into a single idle allocation. Default is false.
  • idleByNode - If true, idle allocations are created on a per node basis. Which will result in different values when shared and more idle allocations when split. Default is false.
  • And any query parameter that could be found in the Kubecost allocation API and Kubecost Cloud API
Mapping config example for v1 kubesystem kind (Click to expand)
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: kubesystem
query: "true"
window: "7d"
aggregate: service
step: "1d" # this will result in 7 entries which is 1 day over the course of `window` time period: 7 days
accumulate: false
idle: true
external: false
filterLabels: "app:internal-service"
filterServices: "notification,account,functions"
blueprint: '"kubecostResourceAllocation"'
identifier: .name
title: .name
cluster: .properties.cluster
namespace: .properties.namespace
startDate: .start
endDate: .end
cpuCoreHours: .cpuCoreHours
cpuCost: .cpuCost
cpuEfficiency: .cpuEfficiency
gpuHours: .gpuHours
gpuCost: .gpuCost
networkCost: .networkCost
loadBalancerCost: .loadBalancerCost
pvCost: .pvCost
pvBytes: .pvBytes
ramBytes: .ramBytes
ramCost: .ramCost
ramEfficiency: .ramEfficiency
sharedCost: .sharedCost
externalCost: .externalCost
totalCost: .totalCost
totalEfficiency: .totalEfficiency

Available configuration for kubesystem kind (v2)

  • window - Duration of time over which to query. Accepts: words like today, week, month, yesterday, lastweek, lastmonth; durations like 30m, 12h, 7d; RFC3339 date pairs like 2021-01-02T15:04:05Z,2021-02-02T15:04:05Z; Unix timestamps like 1578002645,1580681045.
  • aggregate - Field by which to aggregate the results. Accepts: cluster, node, namespace, controllerKind, controller, service, pod, container, label:name, and annotation:name. Also accepts comma-separated lists for multi-aggregation, like namespace,label:app.
  • step - Duration of a single allocation set. If unspecified, this defaults to the window, so that you receive exactly one set for the entire window. If specified, such as 30m, 2h, 1d etc, it works chronologically backward, querying in durations of step until the full window is covered. Default is window.
  • accumulate - If true, sum the entire range of sets into a single set. Default value is false.
  • idle - If true, include idle cost (i.e. the cost of the un-allocated assets) as its own allocation. Default is true.
  • external - If true, include external, or out-of-cluster costs in each allocation. Default is false.
  • offset - Refers to the number of line items you are offsetting. Pairs with limit. See Kubecost docs on Using offset and limit parameters to parse payload results for more
  • limit - Refers to the number of line items per page. Pair with the offset parameter to filter your payload to specific pages of line items.
  • filter - Filter your results by any category which you can aggregate by, can support multiple filterable items in the same category in a comma-separated list. See the Kubecost filter syntax guide for more.
  • format - Set to csv to download an accumulated version of the allocation results in CSV format. Set to pdf to download an accumulated version of the allocation results in PDF format. By default, results will be in JSON format.
  • costMetric - Cost metric format. Learn about cost metric calculations in Kubecost Allocations Dashboard documentation. Possible values are cumulative, hourly, daily, and monthly. Default is cumulative.
  • shareIdle - If true, idle cost is allocated proportionally across all non-idle allocations, per-resource. That is, idle CPU cost is shared with each non-idle allocation's CPU cost, according to the percentage of the total CPU cost represented. Default is false.
  • splitIdle - If true, and shareIdle == false, idle allocations are created on a per cluster or per node basis rather than being aggregated into a single "idle" allocation. Default is false.
  • idleByNode - If true, idle allocations are created on a per node basis. Which will result in different values when shared and more idle allocations when split. splitIdle should only be configured to true when aggregate is configured to node or cluster. Default is false.
  • includeSharedCostBreakdown - Provides breakdown of cost metrics for any shared resources. Default is true.
  • reconcile - If true, pulls data from the Assets cache and corrects prices of Allocations according to their related Assets. The corrections from this process are stored in each cost category's cost adjustment field. If the integration with your cloud provider's billing data has been set up, this will result in the most accurate costs for Allocations. Default is true.
  • shareTenancyCosts - If true, share the cost of cluster overhead assets such as cluster management costs and node attached volumes across tenants of those resources. Results are added to the sharedCost field. Cluster management and attached volumes are shared by cluster. Default is true.
  • shareNamespaces - Comma-separated list of namespaces to share; e.g. namespace-one,namespace-two will return results from only those two namespaces.
  • shareLabels - Comma-separated list of labels to share; e.g. env:staging, app:test will share the costs of those two label values with the remaining non-idle, unshared allocations.
  • shareCost - Floating-point value representing a monthly cost to share with the remaining non-idle, unshared allocations; e.g. 30.42 ($1.00/day == $30.42/month) for the query yesterday (1 day) will split and distribute exactly $1.00 across the allocations. Default is 0.0.
  • shareSplit - Determines how to split shared costs among non-idle, unshared allocations. By default, the split will be weighted; i.e. proportional to the cost of the allocation, relative to the total. The other option is even; i.e. each allocation gets an equal portion of the shared cost. Default is weighted.
Mapping config example for v2 kubesystem kind (Click to expand)
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: kubesystem
query: "true"
window: "7d"
aggregate: service
step: "1d" # this will result in 7 entries which is 1 day over the course of `window` time period: 7 days
accumulate: false
idle: true
filter: 'labels:"app:internal-service","app:service-2"+service:"notification","account","functions"' # replaces all `filter*` properties needed in v1
blueprint: '"kubecostResourceAllocation"'
identifier: .name
title: .name
cluster: .properties.cluster
namespace: .properties.namespace
startDate: .start
endDate: .end
cpuCoreHours: .cpuCoreHours
cpuCost: .cpuCost
cpuEfficiency: .cpuEfficiency
gpuHours: .gpuHours
gpuCost: .gpuCost
networkCost: .networkCost
loadBalancerCost: .loadBalancerCost
pvCost: .pvCost
pvBytes: .pvBytes
ramBytes: .ramBytes
ramCost: .ramCost
ramEfficiency: .ramEfficiency
sharedCost: .sharedCost
externalCost: .externalCost
totalCost: .totalCost
totalEfficiency: .totalEfficiency

Available configuration for cloud kind (v1)

  • window - Duration of time over which to query. Accepts: words like today, week, month, yesterday, lastweek, lastmonth; durations like 30m, 12h, 7d; RFC3339 date pairs like 2021-01-02T15:04:05Z,2021-02-02T15:04:05Z; Unix timestamps like 1578002645,1580681045.
  • aggregate - Field by which to aggregate the results. Accepts: invoiceEntityID, accountID, provider, service, and label:<name>. Supports multi-aggregation using comma-separated lists. Example: accountID,service, namespace,label:app.
  • filterInvoiceEntityIDs - Filter for account
  • filterAccountIDs - GCP only, filter for projectID
  • filterProviders - Filter for cloud service provider
  • filterLabel - Filter for a specific label. Does not support filtering for multiple labels at once.
  • filterServices - Comma-separated list of services to match; e.g. frontend-one,frontend-two will return results with either of those two services.
Mapping config example for v1 kubecostCloudAllocation kind (Click to expand)
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: cloud
query: "true"
window: 7d
aggregate: service
filterAccountIDs: "984573291056,374859201234"
filterLabel: label-one,label-two
filterServices: notification,account,chat
blueprint: '"kubecostCloudAllocation"'
identifier: .properties.provider + "/" + .properties.providerID + "/" + .properties.category + "/" + .properties.service | gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9@_.:\\\\/=-]"; "-")
title: .properties.provider + "/" + .properties.service
provider: .properties.provider
accountID: .properties.accountID
invoiceEntityID: .properties.invoiceEntityID
startDate: .window.start
endDate: .window.end
listCost: .listCost.cost
listCostPercent: .listCost.kubernetesPercent
netCost: .netCost.cost
netCostPercent: .netCost.kubernetesPercent
amortizedNetCost: .amortizedNetCost.cost
amortizedNetCostPercent: .amortizedNetCost.kubernetesPercent
invoicedCost: .invoicedCost.cost
invoicedCostPercent: .invoicedCost.kubernetesPercent

Available configuration for cloud kind (v2)

  • window - Duration of time over which to query. Accepts: words like today, week, month, yesterday, lastweek, lastmonth; durations like 30m, 12h, 7d; RFC3339 date pairs like 2021-01-02T15:04:05Z,2021-02-02T15:04:05Z; Unix timestamps like 1578002645,1580681045.
  • aggregate - Field by which to aggregate the results. Accepts: invoiceEntityID, accountID, provider, service, and label:<name>. Supports multi-aggregation using comma-separated lists. Example: accountID,service, namespace,label:app.
  • accumulate - If true, sum the entire range of sets into a single set. Default value is false.
  • offset - Refers to the number of line items you are offsetting. Pairs with limit. See Kubecost docs on Using offset and limit parameters to parse payload results for more
  • limit - Refers to the number of line items per page. Pair with the offset parameter to filter your payload to specific pages of line items.
  • filter - Filter your results by any category which you can aggregate by, can support multiple filterable items in the same category in a comma-separated list. See the Kubecost filter syntax guide for more.
Mapping config example for v2 kubecostCloudAllocation kind (Click to expand)
createMissingRelatedEntities: true
deleteDependentEntities: true
- kind: cloud
query: "true"
window: 7d
aggregate: service
accumulate: false
filter: 'labels:"app:internal-service","app:service-2"+service:"notification","account","functions"' # replaces all `filter*` properties needed in v1
blueprint: '"kubecostCloudAllocation"'
identifier: .properties.provider + "/" + .properties.providerID + "/" + .properties.category + "/" + .properties.service | gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9@_.:\\\\/=-]"; "-")
title: .properties.provider + "/" + .properties.service
provider: .properties.provider
accountID: .properties.accountID
invoiceEntityID: .properties.invoiceEntityID
startDate: .window.start
endDate: .window.end
listCost: .listCost.cost
listCostPercent: .listCost.kubernetesPercent
netCost: .netCost.cost
netCostPercent: .netCost.kubernetesPercent
amortizedNetCost: .amortizedNetCost.cost
amortizedNetCostPercent: .amortizedNetCost.kubernetesPercent
invoicedCost: .invoicedCost.cost
invoicedCostPercent: .invoicedCost.kubernetesPercent